Sunday, February 21, 2010

GentILLman Introductory Post

The Classy Gentleman's Blog, that’s right just say it to yourself:

The Classy Gentleman's Blog. Sounds good doesn't it? Exactly what I was thinking, too, when I was offered a seat at the round table of Classy Justice. I go under many a moniker, but GenILLman should do. A Gentle, yet ILL man who wishes for all those classy to attain and remain that way by whatever means necessary. Speaking of those means, I will open up with this little anecdote of mine about the means by which one must go to attain “beverage” regardless of one’s financial situation.

In recent months by a chance of fate, a friend of mine won a free happy hour at a reputable drinking establishment in Philadelphia. This is the type of high-class, dress up, collar popped preppy affair which typically is not my scene, but one hour of free drinks were calling and as any gent would do, I answered the sounds of the feasting horn. Now, the scene was what I would call "Mostly" open bar - and offers you the ability to drink endlessly any type of drink so long as it is cheap and likely aged less than 15 days. Sorry, no goose and juice for you, but this situation is your basic buffet of beer, wine, and hard liquor. The best part about this bar besides the hour of drunken madness is the fact that when you arrive, you sign your name and are thrown into a raffle to win another happy hour. What are the chances right?

Well as a classy gentleman would do from time to time, he finds a means to exploit these free drinks and spread them among the classy. Especially during these hard economic times when a man finds the simpler things in life like Beer, Cigarettes, SNUS, Blunts, Liquor, etc. to cost him an arm and a leg. Well, a week after the delicious bucket of free drinks was bestowed upon me, I got a call from a hottie telling me that I had won a free happy hour too. After a week or two of bringing friends to the location, we pretty much have every Thursday and Friday night from 9-11 pm locked up on free drinks and downright debauchery - which goes to show that regardless how broke the classy gentleman finds himself to be, he will always find a drink to help him through.

-A GentILLman


  1. The Barron concurs with this Gentlemanly post.

  2. fantastic. that is some classy banter right there.
